relationship with self
relationships with family and friends
financial obligations and abundance
hobbies or interests
health-physically and mentally, nutrition, exercise, rest
connection to the community by doing activities or being of service
future plans and goals to achieve, step by step.
How do we facilitate change in our life?
1. Action, action is number one the toughest part because often we are not exactly sure what is needed.
2. Defining the goal or problem clearly will also help define your actions necessary.
3. To determine, "what step is next"?
4. You evaluate your progress while reaching you goal and elavate your momentuum.
5. You actually achieve your chosed goal and in far less time.
I can facilitate your change wanted through caring and challenging conversation.
I will help you take action to change what is not working.
I will help you define what action are right for you.
I will help you evaluate your progress.
I will help you elavate your feelings.
I will keep you motivated.
How would life be different if you made the change, once and for all ?
Is it time to make that change?