Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My attempt at writing a short story

Memories by the boy inside the man.

A story entitled; Don’t smoke

I found my dad’s lighter for the first time at 8 years old, as it fell out of his coat pocket hanging in the closet. I had seen my dad use this contraption before and I was fascinated by the fire the lighter made. I thought to myself in a spit second, that today was the day I would try using the lighter myself, for the first time. Then came a problem, what would I set on fire as I was in the house. Well my mother was very proud of her Victorian style house which came complete with a large fully enclosed foyer and a leaded paneled glass doors that lead to the inside of the house, which I closed. As I scanned the foyer my eyes became focused on a large vase which contained pampas grasses, arranged tall and bushy. I quickly made up my mind that the grasses would be my first test material for making fire. I was very apprehensive and fearful but worked up enough courage to go through with my plan. I thought carefully about how I would attempt my first interaction with the lighter and the material chosen. I proceeded cautiously with great precision and safety in mind. I forcasted what might happen and then came to my moment of bravery. I would grasp a very small section of the grass in my hand so only a very small piece would burn when touched by the striking of the lighter, a brilliant idea! Once I had the grass firmly in my grasp I struck the lighter moving the flame slowly and cautiously closer to my fuel source. I remember hearing a wooosh sound and the foyer getting a lot brighter, the small flame in my grasp had instantly turned grasses into a raging inferno from passing straight through my clenched hand. The whole vase of grass had exploded with fire. I quickly grabbed my grassy torch and ran outside. In a state of panic and fear I began waving my flaming torch back and forth trying to desperately extinguish the inferno. Well the waving maneuver was a big mistake, now flaming embers filled the air falling dangerously to the ground and thick black smoke was all around me now.

The whole fiery event took less than one minute. I stood there for a moment holding the smoldering remains of my first fire until a thought hit me. Could I explain the missing grasses from the foyer by making up a fib about their disappearance from the vase and was there any other evidence of the fire occurring. I rushed back into the foyer to see my answer had been provided. There before me was a large black sooty scorch mark running up the wall. I conceded my attempt to deceive my parents that day and took full responsibility for my action, learning a valuable lesson,

Don’t smoke.

Terence P. Hill
PS: I love you Dad


Kyrie said...

I think you've just inspired me. :)Once I write tomorrow's post I'll reference you in it. Thank you for sharing the story.

Terence Hill 250-469-3160 said...

Hi Kyrie, thank you for reading my story. I inspired you, wow I look forward to your tomorrow's post.

Terence Hill 250-469-3160 said...

Hi Kyrie I have changed my site name to you can find me there. thanks for following me.


Unknown said...

stopping by from blogger forum via the coffee write very well...much success to you

Teri K said...

I love personal essays, and this is so like something my brother would have done!
Do you have a plan for what changes you hope to begin in the world, or is that part of the journey you've begun? I think blogging as you go along is a great idea.
Please feel free to visit me at
I'll keep in touch.

Welcome to Resolutions Personal Coaching

Thank you for visiting.

Resolutions was conceptualized and developed over the last decade. My training, along with my extensive social service experience has prepared me to pursue a coaching lifestyle and profession. I assist people who are ready to face their need to change stressors in their life.

The coach training and field experience gave me ability to quickly gain an understanding of the a client's personal dynamics at play and in turn guide the conversations to accommodate the needed change revealed. I received intensive experiential training and logged 1000+ hours of field experience before becoming a capable Life Coach.


1.. clarify your priorities

2. listen without judgement

3. support your chosen direction

What Is my role as your Personal Coach?

First of all, what a coach is not is a therapist or counselor. A coach does not keep you stuck in the past events of life.

Together, we will clarify your present situation, clearly lay it out so it can be witnessed, acknowledged and understood.

I will assist you to challenge old beliefs patterns that may have you stuck from trying to advance toward your goals.

I assist with advanced problem solving skills to facilitate changes wanted by you.

I will assist to define your steps or actions neccesary.

I support and hold you accountable to the steps you define.

The coaching process will give you a higher understanding of yourself and your ability to reach your goals faster.

Coaching is a one on one conversation that will facilitate change to address any aspect of your life such as;

self discovery or full expression of self

family or friends communication

health and happiness

employment goals

higher income




But why would you need a coach?

The training tools I have received and use skillfully permits me to assist you with a invaluable assessment of your present situation, help you identify the real issues without judgement and deliver quality supportive assistance to get the results, that you define.

Each of us knows deep down what is needed, sometimes we just have trouble problem solving and following through by taking the necessary action.. My role is too facilitate your thoughts and feelings into action.

I do not give opinion, which can often be received by a family member or a friend, which is normally offered based on what would be best, if they were in your situation. What is best for one person is not always what you should do.

Together we discover what is best for you based on your thoughts and comfort factor moving forward. I am always so honored to bare witness to this rewarding process.

Questions to ponder.

1. Do the same issues or concerns continue to effect you?

2. In what way do the issues effect you?

3. Why are the issues still present in your life?

4. What would life look like if the issues where gone?

5. How would you feel if the issues where no longer present?

Send me an email, lets have a conversation soon. You will be happy you did.